Fill out our survey and you will be registered to win:
- Dinner for 2 at our General Store during the 2017 rally
- "Limousine" golf cart transportation to dinner, and then to the concert stage
- 2 meet and greet passes to meet Jackyl
- VIP side-stage seats during Jackyl's performance
- A $100 Harley-Davidson gift card (this will be sent to you at Valentine's Day)
- Winner will be picked on Monday, February 13, 2017
- No purchase required to win
Why the survey?
We want to know you better. The better we know you - where you're from, the things you like, the things you like to do - the better we can serve you, and the better we can tailor the entertainment and overall experience at Pappy Hoel Campground. The information you provide will not be sold or given to anyone. It's strictly for internal use.
Create your own user feedback survey